In today’s market, there is a close relation between semiconductor chips and software application performance, and they’re now exists a new, deeper level of connection being developed between the two. From cloud-based chip emulation kits to AI framework enhancements to new tools for creating applications that function across network connections, tech giants have embarked on a new era of silicon-focused software optimizations.
At the first Intel On event, the company has provided a rejuvenation of the company’s former IDF or Intel Developer Forum, and at the event, the chip manufacturer has highlighted the importance of software optimization.
The special attention which Intel is giving to its one API platform highlights the increasingly essential role which the software tools are playing in getting the most from today’s silicon advancements.
one API was introduced by Intel last and it is designed to dramatically ease the process of writing applications that leverage both x86 CPUs as well as GPUs and other types of accelerators via an open, unified programming environment.
Intel is also planning to increase the number of one API Centers of Excellence to provide more locations where people can learn the skills which the developers need to best utilize one API.
The chipmaker also announced its plans of building new acceleration engines and new optimized versions of popular AI toolkits, and they are all designed to offer its forthcoming datacenter-focused Intel Xeon Scalable Processor.
However, it’s a fact that the pure, across-the-board performance improvements that we’ve enjoyed from hardware-based chip advances are now getting much harder to achieve. And due to this fact, it’s becoming increasingly sophisticated to keep computing performance advancing at the level which we are accustomed to.