As per reports from Videocardz, Intel is getting ready to launch its tier and last 14th Gen CPU dubbed as the Core i9-14900KS next week. The Intel LGA 1700 socket has already witnessed the arrival of three “KS” chips kicking off with the 12900KS (5.5 GHz) followed by the 13900KS (6.0 GHz) and now gearing up for the final model the 14900KS (6.2 GHz). While there was initially a veil of secrecy around this chip it has now made its way to retailers globally with leaks popping up both outside its packaging. In fact, a few enthusiasts have even managed to get their hands on the chip before its launch date as reported recently.
The All New Intel Core i9-14900KS
Intel’s plan is to unveil the Core i9-14900KS CPU on March 14th at 8 AM (PDT) for eight days. Although exact pricing details are yet to be confirmed preliminary listings from retailers suggest a price range to that of the Core i9 13900KS projected to be $750 US. The Intel Core i9-14900KS CPU is set to deliver performance levels and is expected to take the title of being the highest-clocked CPU upon its release.
It has the setup as the Core i9-14900K with 24 cores (8 P Cores + 16 E Cores) along with 32 threads a 36 MB L3 cache, and a 32 MB L2 cache. Notably each core of the chip runs at speeds of up to 6.2 GHz for a maximum of 3 P Cores and 5.9 GHz across all cores while the E Cores operate at speeds of 4.6 GHz for three cores and 4.5 GHz, across all cores.
To achieve these impressive frequencies, Intel appears to have maximized the voltages of the Core i9-14900KS, which are set at 1.5V by default, with a PL1 TDP of 150W and a PL2 rating exceeding 253W. Additionally, the chip is highly binned, enabling it to sustain such high clocks, voltages, and power limits. This stands in contrast to the standard 14900K CPU, which may struggle with higher voltages, power limits, and temperatures, potentially leading to stability issues in games and applications.