Apart from launching the two new Tiger Lake refresh CPUs: Core i7-1195G7 and i5-1155G7, Intel also announced its innovations with the Wi-Fi 6E solution & Intel 5G Solution 5000. It is Intel’s innovation to bring the first 5G M.2 solution made in partnership with MediaTek.
The new Intel 5G Solution 5000 comprises a Fibocom module, MediaTek firmware, and Intel host software. So, the modern works with the sub 6 GHz frequency band while offering 4.7 Gbps download speed and 1.25 Gbps upload speeds over 5G NR.
About Intel’s Continuing Innovation: Intel’s innovation and leadership with the 11th Gen Intel Core family and Intel® Evo™ platform-verified designs continues with leading storage and connectivity technologies that are critical to delivering amazing PC experiences.
Wi-Fi 6E is the most significant update to consumer Wi-Fi in 20 years. Intel delivered the first Wi-Fi 6E solutions for the PC market in early 2021. Select new 11th Gen Intel Core designs will continue to accelerate this industry leadership with best-in-class Intel Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+) products that enable gigabit+ speeds, lower latencies and enhanced reliability via unencumbered Wi-Fi performance in new 6 GHz bands (where available).
11th Gen Intel Core processor-based platforms combined with the recently launched second-generation Intel® Optane™ memory H20 with solid-state storage (SSD) accelerate everyday tasks to manage large media, gaming files and applications with a new level of responsiveness and large storage capacity. SSDs with Intel Optane memory are the fastest, enabling launch applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, up to 49% faster.
Intel is continuing to advance PC experiences beyond pure performance as well. With a combination of key platform technologies and system optimizations, Intel Evo platform-verified laptop designs are co-engineered to ensure exceptional responsiveness, long battery life, instant wake and impressive connectivity.
To date, more than 85 Intel Evo designs have launched from top OEMs including Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, MSI and Samsung, and Intel expects to verify more than 100 designs from over 15 OEMs by the end of this year. Intel has partnered with more than 150 ecosystem partners to create a deeper level of premium mobile computing with plans to invest more than $50 million in Intel Evo ecosystem innovation this year.
Intel 5G Solution 5000: Intel introduces its first 5G M.2 solution with worldwide carrier certification. The Intel 5G Solution 5000 delivers nearly five-times speed increases over Intel® Gigabit Long-Term Evolution (LTE) from anywhere. Intel partnered with MediaTek on product definition, development, certification and support of 5G modem solutions for the next generation of PC experiences and Fibocom to supply 5G M.2 solutions (FM350-GL).
Acer, ASUS and HP are among the first OEMs expected this year to enable modern connected laptops with the Intel 5G Solution 5000 based on 11th Gen Intel® Core™ U- and H-series processors. The momentum continues in 2022 with over 30 designs expected.
The combination of swift, 5G connectivity paired with Intel Wi-Fi 6/6E (Gig+) enable seamless experiences across all network types. As Intel sets a new standard for mobile computing, Wi-Fi and 5G will be the main pillars supporting the pervasive connectivity needs of the future.
The Intel 5G Solution 5000 builds on two recently announced collaborations with ecosystem partners, China Mobile, HP and MediaTek and DoCoMo and HP, to usher a new generation of fully connected PCs.
via Intel