The trailer of Vidyut Jammwal featuring the TV show’ India’s Ultimate Warrior has been dropped. Now It seems that one of the fittest real-life supermen Vidyut Jammwal is set to make his debut as the host and start to discover the latest show of the ultimate warrior of India. This show also reveals Vidyut who will command the ‘fight camp’ and also help the contestants to pass through several challenges after the other on the show.
India’s Ultimate Warrior: Plot
This show is based on Vidyut along with the four mentors who will be looking for the warrior along with the perfect mixture of physical and mental elements. On talking about the show India’s Ultimate Warrior Vidyut Jammwal said in a statement,” It is high time reality shows become real. The job bestowed upon me was to find the ultimate warrior –someone who experiences everything along with their mind, body, and spirit at any of the given moment. This was the crux of the show where we put the fighters in the show situations to bring out their best! The person who got the best out of themselves is India’s Ultimate warrior.”
Vidyut Jammwal is well known for his action avatar in movies like Khuda Hafiz, Commando0, Force among others. The last time he was seen in the film Sanak was in 2021. He will be seen next in the latest film Khuda Hafiz Chapter 2.
Akshay Kumar shared,” I was 9 while I started practicing martial arts and I owe everything I am today to this art form. While Discovery+ reached out to me to be a part of India’s Ultimate Warrior revolving across the battle disciplines as a guest, I was instantly intrigued by the same. India’s Ultimate warrior is a standout in the reality genre for the instant and the authenticity and I am sure, the series shall open to positive audience reactions.”
India’s Ultimate Warrior: Cast
This show will pit with the 14 contenders along with diverse professionals in which there are athletes, police, swimmer, marketer to guide such physical and competitive challenges. Vidyut Jammwal will be the host of the show, and Akshay Kumar will be the guest of the show.
India’s Ultimate Warrior: Release Date
The episodes of the reality show start to stream on 11th Match on Discovery+.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
Read: Every minute detail you missed in the trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
How can I participate in India’s ultimate warrior
I also want to go to this show
I also want to go to this show
sir i am your big fan
I can’t tell how happy I am to meet you
I want to participate this show
I want to participate this india ultimate Warrior
Hlo sir,
Good evening,
This is pradeep shahu from hyderabad,
I want to participate this India’s ultimate Warrior please sir 🙏
i Always want to participate in this Show sir