The Chinese technology company Honor has hinted at its re-entry into the Indian market, promising a “fresh era of innovation.” In a post on the X platform, the company indicates that it will share further updates soon. Speculation has been circulating that Honor intends to make a comeback in India with a new smartphone. Interestingly, the former CEO of Realme India, Madhav Sheth, has also hinted at his involvement with the company. In a separate post, he encouraged fans to stay tuned for more.
Honor Re-entering in Indian Market
Just last month, a report disclosed that Honor, previously a subsidiary of Huawei, is anticipated to make a return to the Indian market in August. The report also suggests that Sheth will oversee Honor’s reintroduction to India. The company will collaborate with its Indian partner and Noida-based PSAV Global to distribute its smartphones within the country. PSAV Global, headquartered in Noida, is responsible for distributing select Honor-branded products, including wearables, across the nation.
In the initial phase, Honor’s strategy does not involve re-establishing a dedicated team for India; instead, it plans to leverage PSAV Global’s network of more than 5,000 retailers and over 100 distributors spanning various towns and cities in India.
Notably, last year, there were rumors that Honor might exit the Indian market due to the India-China border conflict. However, a company representative refuted these claims and asserted that business operations in India were ongoing. The spokesperson clarified, “Honor is maintaining its business operations in India and will continue its growth. The prior news of ‘Honor officially announcing its departure from the Indian market’ is inaccurate.”
CEO Zhao Ming also confirmed this move and assured that the company would take a cautious approach to its actions. Should this indeed involve a smartphone launch, it would mark Honor’s return after an absence of nearly three years. The Honor division was divested by Huawei in 2023 following sanctions imposed by the US government. Upon its return with a new phone, Honor will face competition from major Android players such as Realme, Xiaomi, Vivo, Samsung, and Oppo.
Meanwhile, the news agency IANS reported last month that Honor might unveil the Honor 90 in India soon. This phone had already been introduced in China with a starting price of ₹28,700. The Chinese version of the Honor 90 boasts a 200-megapixel wide camera and two additional sensors on its rear.
The device features a 6.7-inch curved AMOLED display and offers storage capacities of up to 512GB. It comes equipped with MagicOS 7.1, based on Android 13. Notable features also include Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, a Type-C sensor, a 5000mAh battery with 66W fast charging, and a Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 Accelerated Edition.