Google recently launched its new Pixel Buds A-Series TWS earbuds in India for a price of 9,999 INR. It is indeed a premium TWS earbuds with all the features you could ask for and being made by Google, it has put the maximum functionality into a small product that features rich sound, clear calls, and Google assistant.
The Pixel Buds A-Series feature custom-designed 12mm dynamic speaker drivers that deliver full, clear and natural sound with an option to increase the power in low tunes with Bass Boost. Each bud connects to the main device playing audio which ensures a strong individual transmission power for clear and uninterrupted sound.
With features like real-time translation in more than 40 languages, 5 hours of listening time on a single charge, an adaptive sound that increases or decreases the volume on its own based upon your surroundings, it is a really premium offering.
- With Mic:Yes
- Bluetooth version: 5
- 12mm dynamic driver | Dual beamforming microphones
- Just say “Ok Google” for help and get real-time translations | 5 hours playtime on earbud | 24 hour total playtime
- Pairs with your Pixel or any Android device, iOS or any other Bluetooth 4.0+ device.
- Sweat and Water resistant | IPX4 rated | Adaptive Sound and Clear calls in loud places
- Passive noise reduction | Spatial vent for in-ear pressure reduction and spatial awareness
- Capacitive touch sensors for music, calls and Google Assistant controls
If you always thought that it is too expensive for you then, Flipkart has made things easier for you, the Google Pixel Buds A-Series will be discounted to ₹6,999 on the Big Billion Days sale. The sale starts on 3rd October which is this weekend, so start wishlisting now: