Google recently teased its custom Tensor chips which will be powering the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. However, since the Android maker has outlined in the development of its own custom SoC, reports are flooding in that Google will soon be ending its relationship with Qualcomm. But, for all those speculations, the chipmaker Qualcomm stated that their partnership is far from over.
As we know, Google has announced that it plans to reduce its dependency on the likes of Qualcomm and venture into the market of developing its custom silicons. This move from Android is similar to that of the Cupertino-based tech giant, Apple, which has recently deviated from Intel.
However, unlike Apple which will be completely transitioning away from Intel, Google will be working together with Qualcomm on products based on the Snapdragon platform, reports CNBC. The reports state that non-flagship products like the upcoming Pixel 5a and its successors will be continuing to use Snapdragon chipsets however, this will only continue until Google come up with custom solutions for these devices as well.
But, even if Google decides to completely deviate from Qualcomm, it, however, has to provide its customers with cellular connectivity on future Pixel smartphones, and it is not possible without the use of Snapdragon 5G modems. However, another report states that Google has made its Tensor chip using Samsung’s 5nm manufacturing process. Since the Tensor custom silicon is made in collaboration with the South Korean tech giant, then it’s also a possibility that Samsung has also mass produces 5G modems for use in future smartphones.
Speaking about the Tensor chips in general we know that they are code-named Whitechapel and reports have claimed that the new chip will be slower than the Snapdragon 888. However, Google has stated that its first-ever custom smartphone chip will likely not be focused more around performance but will be on other areas such as improvements in computational photography, videography, enhancements to speech recognition, security, and more.