Glance has joined the nation’s IPL craze with its Glance T20 Fan Fest, one of India’s biggest cricket festivals, accessible via smart lock screens. Alongside real-time match updates, the festival offers users an immersive experience with live shows, exclusive cricket-related games, and shopping deals.
Glance Brings Cricketing Fever to Over 200 Million Lock Screens; Launches T20 Fan Fest
With over 200 million active users in India and a presence in Southeast Asia, Glance aims to become a popular destination for all things T20 and cricket-related. The festival includes more than 30 unique cricket-related shows and activities, including expert analysis, team discussions, player selection insights, astrology predictions, and live chat sessions with cricketers, among others.
Users can also enjoy exclusive games, live shows, and shopping deals on their smart lock screens. Glance has also released two exclusive gaming experiences this cricket season. The festival offers an unparalleled T20 shopping experience, and users can win free merchandise for the right match predictions every day.
Glance has been associated with T20 for three years in a row, with collaborations with Delhi Capitals and Chennai Super Kings, and this year’s Glance T20 Fan Fest promises to be the ultimate destination for cricket enthusiasts.