On November 7, actor Anushka Shetty celebrated her birthday with an intense first look at her upcoming film Ghaati directed by Krish Jagarlamudi. Anushka and Krish have teamed up for the second time after the 2010 film Vedam. Being a bold and multi-faceted actress, Anushka is seen as a merciless character while Ghaati is presented by UV Creations.
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Ghaati Glimpse: Anushka Shetty Beheads a Man in Intense First Look for Krish Jagarlamudi’s Film
UV Creations revealed her intense first look on X (formerly Twitter), captioning it, “VICTIM. CRIMINAL. LEGEND. The Queen will now rule the #GHAATI. Wishing ‘The Queen’ #AnushkaShetty a very Happy Birthday.” The poster captures Anushka in a fierce, defiant pose, her face and hands smeared with blood. She looks deep into the camera as she smokes a spliff, with tears clearly starting to form. With a nose ring, bangles, and bindi in place her look gives out a character that is raw yet incredibly emotional. This striking visual hints at the film’s dark and uncompromising narrative, with the filmmakers promising that Ghaati will “not shy away from the brutal reality of the protagonist’s life.”
Later in the evening, a short teaser hinted at Anushka Shetty’s role and mood in the film. The 47-second video features her wearing a saree with a black shawl and traditional jewellery. In a harrowing moment, she rides on a bus and avoids direct eye contact with cops using her reflection in the rear-view mirror before suddenly beheading another person by swinging around her sickle. It’s a chilling image and foreshadows that she is not going to be bound by conventional moralism in what would turn out to be an unforgiving story of retribution or even one about justice.
Ghaati is produced by Rajeev Reddy and Sai Babu Jagarlamudi, marking Anushka’s fourth collaboration with UV Creations. Billed as a “high-octane, action-packed” thriller, the film has music by Nagavelli Vidya Sagar and cinematography by Manoj Reddy Katasani art direction is handled by Thota Tarani while dialogues will be penned by Sai Madhav Burra. Although the release date has still not been made public, they have announced that Ghaati will be launched in multiple languages down South and Hindi.
What is Ghaati about?
While details are under wraps, Ghaati promises a dark, action-packed story centered around Anushka Shetty’s intense character.
When will Ghaati be released?
The official release date hasn’t been announced, but it will launch in South Indian languages and Hindi.