Samsung announced the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 earlier this year, but already some details about their successors namely the Galaxy Z Fold 7 and Galaxy Z Flip 7 have started to leak. A rollout next year is anticipated, with the new display knowledge coming from Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) CEO Ross Young himself, who suggested that the devices may well arrive with larger screens. Demand is projected to stay level for 2025 but is expected to climb with the suspected introduction of an Apple foldable phone.
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Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 7, Z Flip 7 to Feature Larger Displays, Details Revealed
Young also added (opens in new tab) that the inner and cover displays of the Galaxy Z Fold 7 would be larger than those of the current models. The Galaxy Z Fold 6 features a 7.6-inch inner display and a 6.3-inch cover display — the Galaxy Z Fold 7 might feature an 8-inch inner screen and a 6.5-inch cover display. Interestingly, these display sizes are close to those on the Galaxy Z Fold SE, which suggests that Samsung might borrow the same display technology for the model that follows next year.
The Galaxy Z Flip 7 is said to feature bigger displays too. The inner display is said to be 6.85 inches, slightly larger than the 6.7-inch display on the Galaxy Z Flip 6, and the cover display is said to grow from 3.4 inches to a 4-inch panel, Young adds. According to DSCC’s report, smartphone manufacturers lowered foldable panel orders between July and September.
Although the growth of the foldable panel market is anticipated to slow by 5% in 2025, it is expected to rebound in 2026 — the same year as the rumored introduction of Apple’s first foldable iPhone. In addition to these models, there are rumors that Samsung is exploring new foldable designs, including a tri-fold device similar to Huawei’s Mate XT Ultimate Design. However, no official release dates have been confirmed yet.
What are the expected display sizes for the Galaxy Z Fold 7?
The Galaxy Z Fold 7 is expected to feature an 8-inch inner screen and a 6.5-inch cover display.
Will the Galaxy Z Flip 7 have a larger display?
Yes, the Galaxy Z Flip 7 is expected to come with a 6.85-inch inner screen and a 4-inch outer display.