Flutter Entertainment, the world-renowned leader in online sports betting and iGaming, has inaugurated its state-of-the-art Global Capability Centre in Hyderabad, India. Nestled within RMZ Spire at Knowledge City, a premier technology park, this new hub signifies a major $3.5 million investment and underscores Flutter’s commitment to leveraging India’s burgeoning talent pool.
Flutter Entertainment expands global footprint with new Global Capability Centre in Hyderabad, India
The expansive 80,000 sq. ft facility spans across three floors, hosting over 700 employees who specialize in an array of functions, including Data Engineering, Game Integrity Services, HR Operations, Procurement, Safety and Security, and Customer Operations. This centre is set to drive innovation and operational excellence, bolstering the growth of Flutter’s distinguished brands such as Paddy Power, Sisal, Sky Betting & Gaming, PokerStars, Sportsbet, and Betfair.
A key differentiator for Flutter Entertainment is the ‘Flutter Edge’, a unique competitive advantage that empowers the Hyderabad teams to significantly contribute to the company’s global expansion efforts. This strategic investment not only enhances Flutter’s operational capabilities but also strengthens its footprint in the Indian employment landscape.
In line with Flutter’s global sustainability initiative, the Positive Impact Plan, the Hyderabad centre is gold-certified by the US Green Building Council for its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This recognition underscores Flutter’s commitment to minimizing its environmental footprint, embodied in its ‘Go Zero’ campaign. Additionally, Flutter is pledging GBP 30,000 in 2024 towards local initiatives in Hyderabad, furthering its mission to create a positive social impact in the communities it serves.
Phil Bishop, Chief Operating Officer of Flutter Entertainment, remarked, “Our expansion in India signifies a substantial milestone for Flutter, reflecting our unwavering commitment to harnessing top-tier talent to fuel global business growth. The Hyderabad Global Capability Centre is a testament to our focus on fostering creativity, innovation, and growth, enhancing our presence in the Indian job market.”
Ashish Sinha, Managing Director of Flutter Entertainment India, added, “We are thrilled to expand our presence in Hyderabad, aligning with our global vision of ‘Changing the Game’. This expansion represents a significant opportunity for our operations as we aim to continue our leadership in the iGaming and sports betting sectors globally.”
The establishment of this Global Capability Centre marks a strategic move for Flutter Entertainment, reinforcing its role as a key player in the iGaming innovation landscape while making a meaningful impact locally and globally.