BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA has officially announced the upcoming major July Update Patch Notes via an official video. In that video, we can see all the upcoming updates that will be pushed this month. Check out all the updates that will be coming in July with the new season in BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA here.
In this update, we have seen a new gun named MG3 that will be available in most of the classic ranked maps. The MG3 is a Light Machine Gun and will be available from now on only in supply crates in place of M249.
Key Feature of MG3:
MG3 has a continuous firing capability that can shoot continuously similar to the M249. The gun can take up to 75 bullets in one magazine/reload. It uses 7.62 ammo. The Firepower of this gun is fast and continuous but similar to the M249 LMG, it also takes a longer to reload time.
MG3 can take up to 6x scope as the only attachment available in the game for this supply crate special gun. No other attachment is required except scope.
MG3 does not support single-shot mode. The players can also choose between 660 and 990 rpm firing modes while using the gun in the game.
MG3 has a bipod which gets automatically deploys when the character leans prone on the ground. This is just like the DP-28 gun, and this position gives the most stability while firing.
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