The Exynos 2400 rumors have returned, with a few new details concerning Samsung’s forthcoming flagship SoC’s packaging strategy. One tipster claims that it will have the most sophisticated mobile chip in terms of hardware, but also identifies some places where Samsung is supposed to cut corners with its design, so that is a contradicting statement.
The most recent update from RGcloudS, who had taken a hiatus from Twitter for a time, claims that the exact specifications and packaging strategy for the Exynos 2400 are still being negotiated amongst Samsung’s various divisions.
However, he has heard that the Exynos 2400 would be degraded to ‘I-Cube’ technology. If you’re not aware of this word, the Korean conglomerate has supplied some information about it, explaining that one or more dies are stacked horizontally.
However, there was speculation that the Exynos 2400 might be mass-produced using the Fo-WLP, or Fan-out wafer-level packaging approach, which enhances power efficiency while decreasing chip thickness. It looks that Samsung may convert to the I-Cube integration procedure to save money, but it remains to be seen how beneficial this decision will be when the chipset is released.
Previously, we saw Exynos chip benchmark scores that were similar to Apple’s M2 in the Geekbench Compute run, but as we’ve seen before, these values are frequently overstated compared to what commercial units are capable of.
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