Netflix has released the new trailer of the upcoming Turkish film ‘Don’t Leave’ on its official social media platforms. The romantic drama film depicts some complexities of love and its heartbreaking after-effects. The movie is primarily in the Turkish language and has a running time of one hour and forty-seven minutes.
The new trailer for the film begins with the emotionally drenched protagonist and his heartbreak, followed by montages of his past life. It is revealed that Semih has suffered from a recent breakup and is still in no mood to move on. Semih’s girlfriend leaves him in a total mess and creates a permanent void inside him.
The film then explores Semih dealing with his emotions while throwing himself into alcohol and club parties. He is no longer genuinely interested in enjoying things and wants to go with the depressive flow. The tone of the official trailer changes drastically when he finds a friend in someone else.
Semih meets a girl who helps him to overcome the heartbreak and also leads him into a new phase of life. A part where he can finally feel new things and reduce the burden of the past. Moreover, the entry of a new partner in the life of our protagonist, helps him to cope with his broken elements, and let go of his heartbreak.
However, such things don’t last for long and Semih is left with another similar situation in his life. The new partner is reluctant to take things forward with Semih and is also afraid of his unattended confrontations. She understands that Semih needs to deal with his personal issues in order to create a mutual future for both of them.
The trailer ends with a slight sign of hope for our protagonist Semih and his new partner. Leaving us with a promise of a well-explored romantic drama.
Don’t Leave: Cast
The film features several Turkish actors including Burak Deniz, Dilan Çiçek Deniz, Ceyda Düvenci, Berrak Tüzünataç, Şükran Ovalı, Ersin Arıcı, and Dolunay Soysert. Furthermore, the film is directed by critically acclaimed filmmaker Ozan Aciktan. We all know Burak Deniz previously worked with Hande Ercil.
Don’t Leave: Release Date
The film will hit on Netflix on 11th November 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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