The teaser trailer of Prasad Oak’s film ‘Dharmaveer’ has been dropped. After dropping the trailer, the hype among the netizens becomes too high. The makers launched the trailer event in Mumbai that has been graced by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray, Aditya Uddhav Thackeray, Riteish Deshmukh, Bhagyashree, Gulshan Grover, and many others.
As the trailer has already been released so we can now say that Prasad Oak’s just got our hearts with his mesmerizing performance. The actor projected as Sena’s leader Anand Chintamani Dighe and left the viewers speechless by throwing such powerpack punchlines.
Dharmaveer: Plot
The trailer starts with a scene of a temple and someone chanting where dharma has established their victory is destiny. The entire area gave a slogan for Anand Dighe. Dharamveer Anand aka Chintamani Dighe was a senior Shive Sena party leader and the Thane district. The man believes there is no bigger virtue than honouring men. He made some blockbuster appearances in the film.
According to him, being born as a Hindu is a crime, as Hindus are the majority in number but not united instead one is always trying to pull the other down. After that, he has seen to be fighting with a Muslim gang and saying “If you kill one, we will kill ten, if you kill ten then we will kill a hundred”. Anand Dighe, a man who makes his own rules while the court permitted him to present evidence, but he believes to hunt the evidence After that the man become very popular in the state as all people showed love to him.
When he became arrested, and stranded in the police van, the people come and stand infront of the van and starts to tell how he transformed the lives of poor families after getting a letter from Saheb. The people worship him as a God, the trailer ends with many action scenes and also his dedication to Goddess Bhavani.
The report confirms that Dighe was considered a dominating muscleman in Thane. Mangesh Desai who has proved himself as a strong actor going to make his debut as a producer of the film.
Dharmaveer: Release Date
The film has scheduled to hit on 13th May 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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