Prepare for a star-studded celebration of anime as Crunchyroll, the renowned international brand delivering the ultimate anime experience, announces the return of the eighth edition of the Crunchyroll Anime Awards to Tokyo, Japan. Taking place on March 2, 2024, at the Hotel Shin Takanawa, this live ceremony will honor the talented creators, musicians, and performers who fuel the global passion for anime.
Renowned voice actress Sally Amaki and popular entertainer Jon Kabira will once again host the Anime Awards in 2024 in Tokyo. Sally Amaki, a member of the digital voice actor idol project 22/7 (Nanabun no Nijuni), and the English and Japanese voice of Carol Olston in Tomo-chan Is a Girl!, joins forces with Jon Kabira, a seasoned host and emcee with a diverse background in entertainment encompassing radio, music, sports, and more.
Rahul Purini, President of Crunchyroll, expressed enthusiasm for the Anime Awards, emphasizing their unique position as the only global awards show dedicated to the artistry of anime. Returning to Tokyo allows global fans to directly share their love and admiration with the creative community behind anime. Crunchyroll is thrilled to spotlight the creators, storytellers, and trusted partners in Japan for their invaluable contributions to anime fans worldwide.
The Anime Awards 2023 witnessed the attendance of celebrity anime fans such as director Robert Rodriguez, actor Finn Wolfhard, sports superstar Juju Smith-Schuster, and WWE’s Zelina Vega, among others. The event featured captivating performances by ALI, KOHTA YAMAMOTO, and Yuki Kajiura, and concluded with Cyberpunk: Edgerunners being crowned the 2023 Anime of the Year.
As the leading annual awards program celebrating fan-favorite anime series, characters, and creators across streaming, film, and music, the Crunchyroll Anime Awards invite fans from over 200 countries and territories to cast their votes. In 2023, 18 million votes were cast, showcasing love and support for the nominees representing excellence from more than 30 anime studios, eight streaming platforms, over 50 series and films, and featuring more than 50 voice actors.
Stay tuned for the opening of nominations and voting in early 2024. For more information, visit the Anime Awards website and follow Crunchyroll on social media channels.