Consumer technology brand Crossbeats has added excitement to the festivities with two ground-breaking launches – the Ignite Spectra Max smartwatch and Opera TWS earbuds. Spectra Max is a purebred fashion icon forged onto a massive screen size of 1.81” along with Always on AOD feature, and is also powered with industry-leading Bluetooth low energy technology. On the other hand, Opera earbuds are designed keeping in mind the practicality factors. Apart from serving excellent immersive audio with up to 60 hours playtime, Opera is the segment’s best TWS for phone calls, thanks to its Dual microphone setup powered by ClearCommTM.
Available on the Crossbeats Official website and on Amazon, Ignite Spectra Max and Opera are priced at Rs. 3999 and Rs. 2999, respectively. With innovation, technology and futuristic fashion upgrades, these products make for compulsive buying this festive season, whether you have been eyeing them for yourselves, wanting to upgrade old ones, or gifting to loved ones.
Crossbeats dual festive launch: Ignite Spectra Max AMOLED smartwatch & Opera earbuds with 60-hr playtime
Crossbeats Ignite Spectra Max
Ignite Spectra Max is a fashion fluent product made with hi-grade premium aerospace metal. What makes Spectra more envious are its eye-catching colors and strap options. The stylish watch is available in Black, Rose gold, and Blue colour variants and comes with 2 stylish interchangeable strap choices. The added style factor is its 250+ watch screens and customization options.
The watch also possesses 1.81” Super AMOLED display powered by RealHueTM and all other popular watch essentials such as 150+ sports modes, AI health sensors, voice assistants, built-in game, smart alerts and much more. Spectra Max is IP68 water resistant.
Buy the Crossbeats Ignite Spectra Plus from Amazon:
Crossbeats Opera Earbuds
These chic and sleek earbuds, available in Black colour, boast superior technology. It features the latest Bluetooth v5.2 technology enabling users to experience music and voice calls like never before. Supported with HD MEMS Dual Microphone it offers unbeatable microphone clarity and lag-free calls with ClearCommTM technology. The AI-powered Environmental Noise Cancellation feature further cancels out external disturbances, enabling you to carry on with professional calls on the go and uninterrupted music time.
The dedicated gaming mode on the Opera is sure to win hearts as the gaming community would love its unparalleled performance and low latency features. Opera is structured to deliver music at its best with immersive 13 mm Graphene drivers, giving an advanced Bass Boost to your music experience. It is also compatible with Smart Voice Assistants- Siri and Ok Google, making life simpler for you. These Ultralight Earbuds weigh just 4 grams and are powered by a 400mAh battery, which gives you non-stop jamming and voice calls up to 60 hours and 150 hours on standby. They can be charged quickly using the USB Type C charger and will be ready for another music marathon in no time.
Buy from Amazon:
Crossbeats co-founder Archit Agarwal elaborated on the latest offerings, as he said, “At Crossbeats, we have always believed in providing the latest technology to our users, that too at affordable prices. Both these products boast of never seen technology, making them not just aesthetically pleasing but also appealing to the millennials who understand technology better and want nothing but the best. This festive season, we want to aid the life of consumers with good health and upgraded tech experience, which is well manifested in both Ignite Spectra Max and Opera.”
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