Pankaj Tripathi aka Madhav Mishra returns in the latest season of Criminal Justice. The legendary actor unveils his face in the new trailer of Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach. The short trailer represents Pankaj as a withy lawyer set to be handling one of the difficult cases in his career. The series was just directed by Rohan Sippy.
In Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach, Pankaj’s Madhav Mishra returns with his intelligence, and strategies along with the quest for truth. Shweta Basu Prasad playing the role of the assistant public attorney Lekha has seen to be battling with a case just against Pankaj in this latest season of the popular web shows. Pankaj Tripathi telling, “Victory shouldn’t belong to you or me; it should only belong to justice.”
The actor opens up about his role, “In the new season, he sets out on a new adventure, where he questions the limits of our laws. There is much more to look out for in this season, with Madhav Mishra taking a very deep dive into the legal fights of his clients.”
The latest case of the lawyer basically indicates that Rohan Sippy that this time Madhav asking the judiciary and the limits by exposing a never seen legal system. He said, “The new season just captures his fight insightfully and sensitively in their rawest form.”
However, Pankaj Tripathi’s Madhav Mishra reaching to his client featured by Kirti Kulhari for getting justice after getting accused of murdering her husband in this extreme courtroom drama film, behind closed doors Criminal Justice first unveiled in December 2020. The new show was just generated by Applause Entertainment in this association having BBC Studios India.
Gaurav Banerjee confirms Disney + Hotstar & HSM Entertainment Network, Disney Star—Criminal Justice mainly marquee the show that arises many pivotal questions for all, and along with Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach the viewers also getting a close view of the new chapter of battling Madhav Mishra for Justice.
Here is the trailer