On Monday, Parineeti Chopra took off to the Maldives and clarified that she is not on a honeymoon with her husband, AAP frontrunner Raghav Chadha. She shared glimpses from her trip and said it is an all-girls trip. Parineeti and Raghav tense the knot on September 24 in Udaipur. Also, read Parineeti Chopra on her sindoor besides saree fashion week look.
Parineeti Chopra is not on Honeymoon.
Parineeti’s latest photo landscapes a glimpse of the resort she is staying in. This was followed by an appearance at the crystal blue ocean and the sky as the actor enjoyed her morning cuppa. While she is not seen in the photo, Parineeti’s pink bridal chooda makes it to the photo. Sharing the photo, she added, “Not on my honeymoon.” She also supplementary a hashtag’ girls trip.’
Parineeti seemingly enjoys a break after a hectic month-long schedule since she started making for her wedding. Her private wedding took place at The Leela Palace. She, besides Raghav, held a series of fun pre-wedding festivities for their guests. This included a sangeet night, sports day, haldi and mehendi ceremonies. She and Raghav were reconnaissance places and looking after arrangements months before their highly-anticipated wedding.
Parineeti’s New Look
Before heading to the islet nation, Parineeti walked the ramp of Lakme Fashion Week in Dekhi. Parineeti Chopra was the showstopper for One Immeasurable, presented by Faabiiana and Vvani by Vani Vats. She stunned everyone with her newlywed look. She wore a shimmery ivory saree paired with a dupatta as her cape. She was likewise sporting her pink chooda and sindoor on her forehead. She finished off her look with diamond accessories.
Talking about her look, Parineeti told newspapers, “This year, I’m going to spend much time getting ready for festivals. So, even if you call me for an anniversary party, I will come dressed like this.”
Parineeti’s first release after her wedding was Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue. In the film, she was seen with Akshay Kumar. Parineeti will be subsequently seen in Diljit Dosanjh in Chamkila. It is helmed by Imtiaz Ali.
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