The final trailer of the upcoming movie Cobra has been revealed. Vikaram will feature as Cobra that always keeps shedding the skin to enhance the new one altogether. The narrator of the Cobra trailer revealed that Vikram is just like a slithering reptile that can able to hide and attack foes.
The new trailer of Cobra has been directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu exposes little of the plot. However, the film is definitely a groundbreaking action thriller that seems to be happening along the countries, and also the continents.
Vikram is a talented person in Mathematics featured in this movie, and when he has claimed himself to be a normal school math teacher, it seems like more to him than what he just actually set to meet in the eye. On the other, the big surprise is the debut of former Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan in the film industry. We will see that on top of it the character of Vikram is hallucinated like Cobra which contains also turns, and twists in the film.
The new trailer of Cobra has been teased by the audience along with amazing visuals along with high-octane action sequences. We can see that one can asalso9 be the spot in such an ode to Vikram’s Anniyan in the such trailer. We will also see many of the other actors like Srinidhi Shetty and Mrinalini Ravi set to make a rich appearance in the trailer, and it’s quite hard to get their role in this movie.
After watching the trailer, the expectations of the audience become quite high, as it can return to Vikram along with the big screen after a long gap of three years. His last theatrical release had been Kadaaram Kondan which had such a decent run at the box office.
Cobra: Release Date
The film will hit the theatres on 31st August 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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