SonyLIV has dropped the official trailer of the web series Chutzpah. This series is featuring with Varun Sharma, Manjot Singh, Elnaaz Norouzi, Tanya Maniktala, Gautam Mehra, Kshitij Chauhan, Diksha Singh, and Varun Tewari.
The trailer reveals some youngsters whose life is surrounded by the internet, just like today’s generation. Varun and Manjot have seemed to enter from the Fukrey shoot as they enter with the same quirk as the characters. We have last seen Tanya as a coy girl in the Netflix series of Mira Nair named as ‘A Suitable Girl, has literally seen into the different role.
As we proceed to the trailer, the makers of Chutzpah have revealed the dark side of the digital generation in a quirky way. It will also try to expose the world of social media and how actually people are connected in a way or another.
It has been found that the actor Varun Sharma is very excited about the digital debut with SonyLIV. He has shared that the internet and social media world have become an essential part of life to some extent that all the people will switch personalities seeking validation. He also shared his excitement about his digital debut with this fantastic entertainer like Chutzpah.
Manjot Singh also said the film more interesting and thoroughly entertaining storyline. It is based on five individuals who are also attached to one story through the internet medium. All the moments just take them back to the chutzpah moments of their lives. It has become a long that he met with his fukrah gang and they are now ready to generate the same madness all over once again.
It has been created by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba and also it is directed by Simarpreet Singh. The film is set to release on 23rd July on SonyLIV.
Here is the trailer: