As we know the current semiconductor shortage is creating many problems in the technology market. Many believe that the chip shortage will be over in the coming months. However the information which comes from the retailers gives a complete picture.
Apple has been the only company that has managed to avoid major damage from chip shortage like its others competitors. The impact of chip shortage has been a saviour on companies like Samsung.
The rising in covid cases in manufacturing countries like Vietnam and Malesia has been creating problems for the silicon manufacturing plant.
Apple had previously worn that they won’t be able to manufacture enough iPads and MacBooks to meet the demand in the market. This was because apple could not manufacture enough M1 silicons and NAND controllers.
The lack of silicons has broken the market for low and android phones. Companies like OnePlus and Samsung have suffered the most due to the lack of supply chain. On the other hand, Apple has managed to keep a supply chain by locking down the chip contracts ahead of time as if it knew there would be a silicon crisis.
Worlds largest chipmaker Qualcomm announced that it is facing trouble producing low-end and mid-range chips for the Smart Phones. This has resulted in the company increasing the cost of its silicon.
But Apple and its smartphones are unaffected in the market and the company is yet to suffer any kind of shortages for its smartphones.
In the coming months, Apple is prepping to launch it’s iPhone 13 along with new silicon. As to whether the silicon crisis will be affecting the productions of this new smartphone remains to be seen. For more information stay tuned.