Chandu Champion, Kartik Aaryan‘s new movie filming started in London. Kartik Aaryan, who is currently enjoying the success of ‘SatyaPrem Ki Katha’ at the box office, has commenced shooting for his next project alongside director Kabir Khan. The talented actor recently made headlines by revealing his exciting collaboration with renowned producer Sajid Nadiadwala for an upcoming film titled ‘Chandu Champion’. To share his enthusiasm, Kartik took to social media and posted a snapshot from the first day of filming on set for the movie Chandu Champion.
Chandu Champion: Kartik Aaryan’s new movie filming started in London
The creators of Chandu Champion made an announcement regarding its release date via social media on Tuesday, July 4. Kartik Aaryan and Sajid Nadiadwala have collaborated once more to bring this film to life. The sports drama is scheduled to hit the screens on June 12, 2024, coinciding with the celebration of Eid, but has changed and made it on 14th June 2024.
Kartik by sharing the picture has written, “Good start (in Hindi) (praying emoji) And the most challenging and exciting journey of my career begins… with the captain @kabirkhankk (muscle emoji) #ChanduChampion. #SajidNadiadwala @nadiadwalagrandson @wardakhannadiadwala (sic).”
In an exciting collaboration, Kartik Aaryan, Sajid Nadiadwala, and Kabir Khan join forces for the first time to present Chandu Champion, with Kartik portraying the lead character of Chandu. Kartik took to Instagram to reveal the film’s title, accompanied by the caption “Chandu Nahi. Champion Hai Main. Chandu Champion on 14th June 2024 (sic).”
Meanwhile, Kartik Aaryan’s SatyaPrem Ki Kahani was released on June 29. He is currently basking in the success of the film. It also features Kiara Advani in the lead role. Everyone get ready as Kartik is again coming on 14th June 2024. Will update more stay tuned to TechnoSports.
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