Lakshya made his Bollywood debut in 2019 when he bagged a three-film contract with Karan Johar‘s Dharma Productions. That same year, he was signed on to make his debut with the much-hyped Dostana 2 with Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor but the film came crashing down later. He was soon signed on for Bedhadak, alongside debutant Shanaya Kapoor, but the project eventually got shelved as well. However, this very year of 2014 has turned the luck for Lakshya with his hit in ‘Kill’, which made it worth a while and wait. While the onscreen chemistry between Shanaya didn’t blossom into anything, he is now all set to star opposite Ananya Panday who happens to be Shanaya’s childhood best friend.
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Chand Mera Dil: Lakshya and Ananya in a Love Story
Karan Johar announces Ananya Panday, newcomer Lakshya as lead of his next film Chand Mera Dil Based on a passionate love story this will be one of the most spectacular cinematic experiences encapsulating ‘Pyar… Ishq… Mohabbat’. A series of posters that introduced the audience to a romantic, fairytale world occupied by two lovers were released as first-look previews for the film.
The caption read, “We have two chands ready to bring an intense & passionate love story like no other!!!🌙 Pyaar mein thoda paagal hona hi padta hai…” Fans were quick to express their excitement about this new pairing in the comment section, with one user saying, “Oh my god, great good looking people pairing!!🔥🙌❤️😍,” while another added, “This is the perfect casting, they look so good AHHHH EXCITED!!!” Ananya’s close friend and fellow actor, Suhana Khan, also showed her support with heart-eye emojis.
Meanwhile, Shanaya Kapoor’s reaction was unexpected but sweet. She commented, “Ur so pretty anni❤️ let’s get ur nose pierced rn,” noting that Ananya would indeed look stunning with a nose piercing! The excitement around this new love story is palpable, and fans can’t wait to see Lakshya and Ananya share the screen in what promises to be a passionate, unforgettable film.
What is Chand Mera Dil about?
Chand Mera Dil is a passionate love story starring Lakshya and Ananya Panday, promising an intense and emotional cinematic experience.
When will Chand Mera Dil be released?
The release date for Chand Mera Dil has not been confirmed yet, but fans are eagerly awaiting more updates.