State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has introduced a new Rs 439 prepaid plan with a 90-day validity period. This BSNL prepaid plan, on the other hand, just includes voice calling and 300 SMSes. It provides no data benefits when compared to comparably priced plans supplied by its private industry competitors.
Reliance Jio’s Rs 479 prepaid plan, has a validity period of 56 days and includes features such as 84GB of total internet, unlimited talk, and 100 SMS each day. It provides access to Jio applications such as JioTV, JioCinema, JioSecurity, and JioCloud.
Bharti Airtel’s Rs 455 prepaid plan has an 84-day validity period and includes 6GB of internet, unlimited voice calls, and 900 SMS. Its OTT perks include Apollo 2417 circle subscription, free Hello Tunes, and free Wynk Music.
In other news, BSNL’s revenue declined in Andaman and Nicobar, Kerala, Gujarat, Chennai, Telangana, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh (West).
According to the journal, BSNL’s revenue in Uttar Pradesh (West) declined the most, by 19% to Rs 327 crore, followed by Punjab, which fell 12.5% to Rs 857 crore, and Kerala, which has a high revenue generating circle, also suffered a 2% drop in revenue to Rs 1,656 crore in the previous fiscal year.
Last month, BSNL CMD PK Purwar ordered the chief general managers (CGMs) of the circles to act quickly to halt the revenue decline. The report ascribed the income reduction to subscriber loss in the lack of 4G services.
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