There is a new Bengali film set to hit on online, ‘Boudi Canteen’. In this film, we will see three big faces of Tollywood, Parambrata Chatterjee, Soham, and Shubhashree. Roadshow film has unveiled the new trailer of Parambrata and Subhashree’s new film, ‘Boudi canteen, such a heart-gelt social drama-based o women empowerment. The film also stars Anashua Majumdar in pivotal roles.
The new trailer definitely comes with a lesson on the ups and downs in the life of the homemaker playing such an aspiring cook. After taking a little help from her husband, she begins a canteen service to an extent for the canteen she even goes against her strict mother-in-law.
The story of the film follows the life of the chef Asma Said Khan who has hailed from the city of joy and currently living in the UK. Asma also spent her childhood in Kolkata, and now she holds many restaurants in the UK she has an entire battalion of women chefs working with her. After having an admission, she has not hired for the training chefs but taking the regular women who also cook on the board.
Boudi Canteen: Cast
The new societal love drama film will feature Soham Chakravarty, Subhashree gangly, and Parambrata Chatterjee. The film has been penned by Samragni Bandopadhyay, and Somashree Ghosh, and the dialogue writer is Pinaki Majumdar and Pinaki Ghosh. The film has been directed by Parambrata Chatterjee. The producers are Aritra Sen, and Tanmoy Banerjee, and the executive producers are Sreya Dutta.
Boudi Canteen Release Date
Bousi canteen will hit the cinemas on 30th September 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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