boAt has launched a new smartwatch in India called the Wave Electra. important like former smartwatches from the brand, this bone also supports Bluetooth calling, which means formerly connected to a phone, the Wave Electra will let you take calls directly with the help of an inbuilt speaker and microphone.
The lately released boAt Wave Electra smartwatch will be offered civil for an introductory price of Rs1,799 on and Amazon India.
boAt Wave Electra smartwatch specs
The all-new Wave Electra has a square dial with a1.81- inch HD display with 550 nits maximum brilliance. It’s splash-evidence, sweat-evidence, and has an IP68 instrument. The contrivance is made of a high-quality aluminium amalgamation.
Health-related functions similar to a heart rate examiner, SpO2 detector, and sleep shamus are included with the new Wave Electra. A diurnal exertion shamus, breathing exercises, and water cautions are also included. further, then 100 sports modes are supported by the wearable.
For hands-free calling, the boAt Wave Electra is accoutred with an erect-in speaker, microphone, and Bluetooth. On the contrivance, users can save up to 50 connections, and there’s a dial pad for quicker access. Siri and Google Assistant are available on the contrivance. 2048 and terminate-A-Mole are two further erected-in games.
Other useful functions include weather updates, chancing my phone, music and camera control, etc. The boAt Wave Electra is announced as having a battery life of 7 days on a single charge and 2 days while using Bluetooth.
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