boAt has silently launched the boAt Rockerz 195 Bluetooth neckband earphone via Flipkart and the price is set at Rs.1,299. This seems to be the successor of the previously launched boAt Rockerz 185 via Amazon. The new headphone will be available in two different colour options – Blue Bliss and FieryBlack. This became another addition to the Bluetooth neckband series of the company.
Specifications of boAt Rockerz 195
- With Mic: Yes
- Bluetooth version: v5.0
- Wireless range: 10 m
- Battery life: 15 hrs
- Charging time: Upto 2 hours
- Driver Size: 10mm
- Dual Pairing: Yes
- IPX4: Water and Sweat Resistant
boAt Rockerz launched silently in Flipkart at just Rs.1,299 and the colour options are eye-catching as well. The earphone has a 10mm Titanium drivers for better sound quality.
The company is providing up to 15 hours playtime and the earphone gets charged within 2 hours via a micro-USB charging port. Rockerz 195 being the successor of Rockerz 185 also supports Bluetooth version 5.0.
The earphone is IPX4 sweat and water resistant. It also has the feature of Single press voice assistant. Here the middle control buttons among the three is needed to press and hold for few seconds and it will automatically switch on the Voice assistant in your device.
The controls are also very smooth and easy to use. The earpiece of the headset is smaller than Rockerz 185 but does support the magnetic feature.
For buying this device head onto Flipkart without wasting any time and grab before it’s all gone. The buying link of boAt Rockerz 195 is here:
Source: All images and informations has been fetched from Flipkart.