The brand new Nintendo Switch OLED is the upcoming Nintendo switch model which is estimated to only costing the company approximately 10 dollars more per unit.
Takashi Mochizuki, the tech reporter of Bloomberg wrote in his report that this Switch OLED will sell for around 349 dollars to 50 dollars. This price is more than the previous model which implies that this new model will be far better than the previous one.
“Now Nintendo is betting this momentum can be sustained with a new $350 model, a jump from the standard model’s original $300 price tag and a repudiation of traditional console economics”, Mochizuki writes in his new report. “In an industry where consoles typically get mid-life price cuts, the Switch is moving into a higher tier — largely on the strength of a larger and better OLED display and some added storage. The upgrades are estimated to cost around $10 more per unit, meaning Nintendo is improving profit margins and relying on its rich library of games to keep sales brisk.”
In that article, the new component’s additional cost which is within the Switch OLED estimated like this –
“The new Switch’s 7-inch OLED display from Samsung Display Co. costs an additional $3 to $5 per unit, according to Yoshio Tamura, co-founder of industry research firm DSCC. Increasing the internal storage to 64GB is a further $3.50, according to Omdia’s Akira Minamikawa. The other added components, such as the new console stand and LAN port, are thought to add a few dollars more. Nintendo has been selling the Switch at a profit since its launch”.
By this report we know, Nintendo will make a huge profit like 40 dollars profit on the brand new Switch OLED model. This model is launching on 8th October 2021.