Netflix has dropped the trailer of the incredible documentary that depicts the three years long friendship of Malcolm X & Muhammad Ali between the civil rights and also the nation of the Islam leader and hard-hitting boxer. In this trailer, the activist of the civil rights Reverend Al Sharpton has praised the icons by telling that they had defied an entire generation to be themselves and always be bold.
It has been produced by Kenya Barris. This documentary also includes interviews with various relatives like the younger brother of Ali who is Rahman Ali and the daughter of Malcolm X Iluasah Shabazz. In this Shabazz also has said some important moments about the connection with Ali and said that for her father to take his wife and also his babies and visited the home indicated that her father had trusted him completely.
After asking about the regrets of Ali’s brother Rahman just said that it was just the hell of a question. In this Malcolm X and Ali have bonded over the shared struggles to become Black leaders in America. It has been chronicled the strained section of their bonding and also the disagreement of the leadership of the Islam Nation. This documentary depicts the latest clips that have provided a timeline of their friendship and also the fallout.
It has represented the images of Malcolm X and Ali together with their families and also the footage of them providing such inspirational, passionate quotes and speeches. The story of the film become inspired by the book of the exact name that has been written by Randy Roberts and also Johny Smith.
Release Date
This documentary has set to release on 9th September on Netflix.
Here is the trailer: