The Bigg Boss OTT 2 fever looks to have caught up to Alia Bhatt as she spoke near the show recently. Given her half-sister Pooja Bhatt is one of the participants, Alia was updated about the participants and their game. During the promotions of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, the actor selected Elvish Yadav and Manisha Rani as the ‘Rocky and Rani’ of the Salman Khan show. As an attentiveness, she did add that her sister, however, is the acknowledged queen of the family.
During their Chandigarh tour, Alia Bhatt stood and asked to pick Rocky and Rani from Bigg Boss OTT 2. The actor joked, “I find Elvish quite like Rocky. The way he says, his personality, and his andaaz are very greatly like Rocky. Besides, he says ‘system,’ it’s very entertaining. He dresses his heart on his sleeves and is very funny. I’m similar to him so that Elvish can be Rocky.”
Bigg Boss OTT 2: Alia Bhatt hails Pooja Bhatt ‘queen’
After a thought, she christened Manisha as the ‘Rani’ of the show, and logically, “We can call her Rani, as her name now has Rani. Also, I think they (Elvish and Manisha) would look good together.”
The emotional state seems to be mutual, as Pooja Bhatt spoke highly about Alia Bhatt and how she is retiring after attaining so much popularity. She also shared that Alia and Ranbir Kapoor never brag about their accomplishment.
Pooja, during a talk with her fellow contestants, Avinash Sachdev, besides Jad Hadid, shared how Abhishek Malhan, besides Jiya Shankar, were boasting about their vast social media following in forward-facing of her.
In response, Pooja told them near Alia’s fan following on social media. “I told them, meri behen ka jo factions ka number hai na, population of some republics is not that high (The number of followers my sister has…) My sister Alia Bhatt partakes a humongous number of followers, and it’s not rather she brags about ever. That is factions,” said Pooja.
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