Battlegrounds Mobile India maker, Krafton, has added a new set of settings that will allow parents more control over how long their children may play the game. The game’s creator who also created PUBG Mobile and PUBG: New State, has now added time limits to the game. Furthermore, it takes the form of an OTP confirmation.
“Every player, below the age of 18, needs to register a parent or a guardian before they start playing for the first time. An OTP will be sent to the registered person’s number, post which the minor is allowed to play the game,” Krafton said in a statement.
In addition to implementing time limits in the form of OTP, the game developer has also launched an effort dubbed ‘Game Responsibly.’ Krafton will display warning warnings, break reminders, game limitations, and other information to gamers as part of this program. These reminders will assist gamers in maintaining a good game-life balance by allowing them to take a break from the game.
In addition, Krafton has imposed a severe gameplay limit for individuals under the age of 18. The firm has said that users under the age of 18 are not permitted to play the game for more than three hours each day. Imposing this limit will assist them in restricting their overall playing time and allowing them to enjoy the game in moderation.
Furthermore, the creator of PUBG Mobile has imposed an in-game expenditure limit of INR 7,000, which is intended to prevent both parents and children from overpaying and over gaming.
Separately, the game developer recently revised its privacy policy for underage players in a blog post. The business started in the blog post that the game is not “intended for underage users. Thus underage users should not use the Game and/or Service unless parental consent is provided”.
“We do not knowingly collect, use or share any personal information for those who are under 18 years of age without the consent and verification of the underage users’ parent or guardian, or unless permitted by law,” Krafton wrote in a blog post.
“If you are under the age of 18 years, you will be asked to provide the mobile phone number of your parent or guardian to confirm that you are legally eligible to play the game,” the company added.
However, the question is as to whether this is going to work. Due to the current generation outsmarting the old in every corner of the way, it’s not hard to imagine smart kids inputting fake DOB to avoid parental control features. That’s some food for thought, don’t you think?