In a riveting episode of Bigg Boss 18’s Weekend Ka Vaar, former Shark Tank India judge Ashneer Grover found himself in an unexpected face-off with host Salman Khan. The tension-filled encounter centered around Grover’s previous controversial statements about both the show and Khan himself, creating one of the season’s most talked-about moments.
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The Podcast Controversy Unveiled:
The drama unfolded when Salman Khan directly addressed Grover’s past claims made during a podcast. “I’ve heard people saying that you have signed me. You have given wrong figures. Then what is this hypocrisy?” Khan questioned, referring to Grover’s public statements about allegedly signing him as a brand ambassador for ₹4.5 crores.
Ashneer Grover Response and Explanation–
Maintaining his characteristic composure, Grover attempted to navigate the situation diplomatically, stating, “I think it was one of the greatest ideas to make you the brand ambassador.” However, Khan was quick to point out the difference in Grover’s attitude, noting, “This attitude you’re showing now wasn’t visible back then.”
The Special Guest Appearance
The episode wasn’t all about confrontation. Adding a unique flavor to the show, popular tea vendor Dolly Chaiwala made a special appearance, serving his signature tea to the housemates. This segment provided a refreshing break from the intense exchange between Khan and Grover.
The roots of this confrontation lie in Grover’s previous controversial statements about Bigg Boss. In a podcast, he had dismissed the show as being for “unsuccessful people” and claimed to have rejected an offer to participate. Ironically, he had joked about appearing on the show if Salman Khan offered more money.
This encounter has become a talking point in Indian television, highlighting how past statements can come back to create compelling television moments. It also showcases the evolution of Grover’s public persona since his Shark Tank India days and demonstrates how reality TV can bring unexpected confrontations to life.
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Q1: What was the controversy between Ashneer Grover and Salman Khan about?
The controversy stemmed from Grover’s claims in a podcast about allegedly signing Salman Khan as a brand ambassador for ₹4.5 crores, and his previous comments calling Bigg Boss a show for “unsuccessful people.”
Q2: How did Ashneer Grover handle the confrontation on Bigg Boss 18?
Grover maintained a diplomatic approach, attempting to explain his previous statements while showing respect to Salman Khan, though Khan pointed out the difference in Grover’s current attitude compared to his previous comments.