Apple launched it’s iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max earlier. Alongside the new iPhone, its all-new HomePod mini also went up for pre-order on Friday. According to the source, after just over 48 hours of availability, HomePod mini shipping times have slipped into December.
Though the HomePod mini became available for pre-order on Friday, the first orders will not arrive until November 16 at the earliest for first buyers. The device is single in white and space gray. And it’s the space gray version that is now facing supply constraints after 48 hours of orders.
According to sources, if one orders a space gray HomePod mini today, it will arrive between December 2 and December 9. That is, however, if you pay for express shipping. Other orders, however, will arrive between December 3 and December 10, according to Apple.
Meanwhile, if one orders the white HomePod mini today with express shipping, it will arrive between November 24 and December 2. And With standard shipping, the device will arrive between November 25 and December 3.
All this indicates that Apple faces a higher demand for the space gray HomePod mini than the white variant. But it could also mean that the space gray model is facing issues with the production and supply chain side of things.
According to sources, many of the iPhone 12 mini variants are still available for launch day delivery on November 13. But the shortage of products could create an uproar among fans who are waiting to get their hands on the new gadgets. With Apple launching its Intercom feature, the demand for its HomePod has increased, and thus it may be the reason for the increased number of pre-orders for the gadget. As to when Apple will fill its stock remains to be seen.
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