Apple, the Cupertino-based tech brand traditionally launches its new Apple Watch every year in September. Apple Watch is one of the most popular smartwatches with exciting features and it has been proved to be life-saving for some people. A new report has revealed that Apple is currently working on its new Apple Watch Series 7 and it is likely to come with another health-related support feature which is Blood Sugar monitoring.
As per a report by The Telegraph, an SEC filing indicates that Apple will bring a glucometer feature to its upcoming SmartWatch series. This feature will help many diabetic people who need to extract their blood to get a sugar level reading in real-time, just like their real-time ECG monitoring support. Currently, the embedding of the blood sugar monitoring process within a smartwatch seems a bit lengthy and costly. However, we expect Apple could come up with a solution that can offer blood sugar readings without extracting the blood or buying new glucometer strips. If Apple comes with this solution, it will definitely boost upcoming watch’s sales.
Moreover, the company is also reportedly looking to add other sensors in the upcoming Apple Watch to measure alcohol and blood pressure levels. This is just speculation and should be taken with a pinch of salt. As of now, Apple Watches offers Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Blood Oxygen monitoring features.
The report also cited Rockley Photonics CEO Andrew Rickman who says that the technology developed by the company will be in consumer products by 2022. He, however, did not mention whether the technology will be available on Apple products. These sensors are claimed to be capable of monitoring blood pressure, as well as glucose and alcohol levels. Apple Watch currently includes a sensor for measuring heart rate. Apple is also said to be working on a new rugged variant called the Explorer Edition – which could be added to the existing models later this year or latest by 2022.
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