Apple has started rolling out iOS and iPadOS version 14.2 today. The new update brings new features and over 100 new emoji for iPhone and iPad users. The new emoji’s include a Ninja, the pride flag, a coin, bubble tea, a dodo, lungs, and many more. The new OS update also added features for the new Intercom for HomePod smart speakers that Apple announced alongside the Apple HomePod Mini.
According to sources, the new update also brings features that allow Magnifier to detect people nearby. It can further report their distance using the LiDAR sensors on the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max.
The new update has optimized battery charging for the AirPods to slow the rate of battery aging. It does so by reducing the time AirPods spend fully charged. The company has also added an alert feature. It let users know if their volume levels can impact hearing when using headphones.
The iOS 14.2 update brings new AirPlay controls that allow users to stream content throughout their homes. Another useful update is that the iOS version 14.2 offers an option that provides stats about exposure notifications to health authorities without identifying the user.
The OS update also brings along with it a ton of bug fixes on iOS 14.2. The company has fixed several bugs relating to Home Screen dock issues, camera viewfinder, the lock screen keyboard, photos widget. Also, bugs have been selected for voice memos, Netflix video playback, wireless charging, and many more.
The iOS 14.2 update is already available for iPhone users. To update their iPhones, users need to go to Settings > General > Software Update > Download and Install on their devices.
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