The M2 chipset-equipped Apple MacBook Air is presently on sale on Flipkart for just Rs 94,990, which is a significant decrease from the device’s initial price of Rs 1,14,900. Axis Bank Credit Card holders receive an instant 10% discount on EMI purchases, HDFC Bank clients receive a Rs 5,000 discount, and there is a chance that an exchange offer could result in up to Rs 20,000 in savings.
This sale is presently active on Flipkart, giving you a great chance to buy something. Once the sale starts, it’s not yet clear if there will be any additional savings on the MacBook Air M2. It’s vital to keep in mind that this particular offer only applies to the MacBook Air M2 with 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD with macOS Monterey.
Higher storage capacity users can purchase the 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD model with macOS Ventura for Rs 1,45,790, which is a tiny drop from its initial Rs 1,54,900 pricing. The price of the macOS Monterey model, which has the same 8GB RAM configuration, has also been cut from Rs 1,44,900 to Rs 1,32,990.
The 13.6-inch Liquid Retina display on the MacBook Air M2 is amazing and provides an immersive viewing experience.
The four distinct variations of the MacBook Air M2 provide versatility by meeting a range of needs. Depending on their needs for multitasking, users can choose versions with 8GB, 16GB, or 24GB of RAM. Additionally, it offers a variety of storage options, including 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, and 2TB SSD configurations, guaranteeing enough room for files, programs, and media.
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