With November just around the corner, Apple will need to have a solid story ready for why its M4 MacBook Pro has leaked now rather than at the expected announcement in November. Apple’s portable Mac was recently reviewed by a Russian YouTuber who put it through a Geekbench 6 benchmark, and both single-core and multi-core scores were impressive. After this review, the same model was declassified on the Russian trading platform Avito with an unprecedented value of $7500.
More About the Apple M4 MacBook Pro Leaks
As a shared listing found by Twitter user @aaplpro, the Space Black version of the M4 MacBook Pro is on sale at that jaw-dropping cost. The unit will come with a 10-core CPU (likely AMD), 10-core GPU, 16GB of unified RAM, and a 512GB solid-state drive. Meanwhile, it retails at 720.000 ₽ in its native Russia for those that were interested a direct conversion to US dollars rates the listing price at about $7,477.08: one of the steepest products Apple has ever offered to date.
The revelation of the M4 MacBook Pro comes with a high price tag, and it is no surprise given that it will take 25 days for the official announcement from Apple. These leaks while the extent is still unknown are falling in place where they started from. Earlier reports indicated that images of the Mac’s retail packaging were circulating in a private Facebook group. Initially met with doubts regarding their authenticity, it was later confirmed that various units were indeed being sold within that group.
Whether additional listings will appear on Avito is yet to be determined. Notably, tipster ShrimpApplePro reported that one unnamed seller claimed to have 200 units of the unreleased M4 MacBook Pro available, indicating a significant warehouse leak. For the time being, Apple must manage the fallout from these leaks as effectively as possible. More updates will follow as new information regarding the M4 MacBook Pro continues to emerge.
When is the official announcement for the M4 MacBook Pro expected?
The announcement is reportedly set for next month, in November.
What is the price of the M4 MacBook Pro listed on Avito?
The M4 MacBook Pro is listed for approximately $7,500 on Avito.