Every time Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli appear in public, heads turn. A few days ago, the couple were spotted at the Mumbai airport as they were on a flight to London. Their images instantly become viral. Instagram recently saw the appearance of a photo of Virat and Anushka having a coffee date in London. Virat and Anushka were spotted in London sipping coffee while appropriately equipped for the chilly climate.
Virat and Anushka are seen sitting next to one another at a café in the Instagram photo that went viral. Isabel Marant’s blush beige coat that Anushka is wearing is simply stylish and elegant. A classic collar, front button closure, two button-fastening chest pockets, and side slit pockets are all included in the long shirt coat. Anushka looks absolutely beautiful in the full-sleeved coat, which has a loose, relaxed style. It costs a staggering 1148 dollars, which is equivalent to almost Rs 94,600 in rupees.
Under the coat, Anushka was spotted sporting a white t-shirt, delicate earrings, a gold chain with a round pendant, as well as a pair of black sunglasses. She was quite stylish, and we highly approve of her laid-back, comfortable appearance. Virat Kohli, meanwhile, donned a beige t-shirt underneath a denim jacket.