AMD’s recently launched its latest Radeon RX 6600 XT GPU targeted towards a middle segment of PC gamers. The GPU comes with 2048 streaming processors and can run from 2359 to 2589 MHz on the factory design. However, according to sources, the GPU can reportedly be overclocked to 2,800 MHz on basic air cooling and it remains stable.
The information comes from Igor’s Lab, and an overclocker named Gurdi who has an AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT graphics card has managed to run the silicon at a 2.8 GHz clock speed with full stability under stress testing.
Here’s a breakdown of how it happened, the card used a custom beta software called MorePowerTool (MPT). It is developed by Igor’s Lab forum member “hello”, and the software offers better overclocking of AMD Radeon graphics cards by enabling toggle changes that are not available in the regular AMD Wattman software.
What Guardi has done to manage to achieve the 2.8 GHz overclock, is that he pushed the GPU power limit from 155 to 160 Watts. For the GFX (GPU) core, the current is set anywhere from 127A to 130A and a constant 25A for the whole SoC. The GPUs memory reportedly needs a slight voltage boost where the report notes a DPM 3 value 1400mV.
And after overclocking the GPU, due to its frequency boost the card managed to provide the card with few extra frames. The testing was conducted by Igor’s Lab with 3D Mark synthetic benchmark and on a few games like Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, Godfall, and more. However, we expect that this isn’t the limit for the AMD’s Radeon RX 6600 XT’s overclocking capabilities and if you are an owner of the GPU do test it to its limit, if you are willing, and let us know in the comments.