Three and a half months ago, AMD debuted the Threadripper Pro 5000 Series. The Lenovo ThinkStation P620, which was an OEM exclusive at the time, was the first system we tested with the AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3995WX. AMD has now released the new series to the DIY market.
AMD is expanding the Threadripper Pro 5000 series beyond Lenovo and Dell
Due to its big core count and PCIe connectivity, the Lenovo P620 is now leading its class in the workstation market, according to our sources. As we’ve seen with Lenovo’s Threadripper Pro series, which uses AMD PSB to block AMD CPUs, PSB is used in these suppliers’ systems. This characteristic sets the CPUs apart from the competition to the extent that AMD has given OEMs first access to the chips. AMD not only sells the new CPUs to select OEMs but they can also only be used in those vendors’ systems.
We may see non-PSB-enabled options on the market as third-party OEMs and the DIY sector adopt the new chips (PSB makes little sense on a DIY system). As a result, AMD EPYC Milan (not Milan-X) will effectively enter the workstation market.
The identical CPUs that will be sold to system integrators in July will also be available in the DIY market later this year, according to AMD. DIY enthusiasts trying to get the most out of their hand-crafted setups are likely to be interested in overclocking both memory and CPU.
Up to 64 cores and 128 threads
Zen 3 cores for the leadership IPC from AMD
Up to 4.5 GHz boost clocks
8-channel UDIMM and RDIMM support
256MB L3 cache
Support for up to 128 PCIe 4.0 lanes
AMD Shadow Stack security
ISV software collaboration for optimized pro apps
Strong performance/price balance and relative power efficiency
With so many outlets already stocking these SKUs, “later this year” appears to be a bit earlier than such phrasing usually implies. AMD’s Ryzen 7000 CPUs, meanwhile, will be ready in the fall.
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