The Red team has been on a spree to launch new & exciting products globally and has a strong presence in India. AMD India has been operating for a long time now. This year, the Silicon Valley giant has been recognized as the Most Trusted Brand of India in the Semiconductor category by TRA.
This is no exception because a lot of Indian people have loved AMD and its products, especially the Ryzen family. In a short time span, AMD has gained the trust of Indians, and so these days, their first choice is always AMD Ryzen products.
Not only using AMD CPUs for custom PCs, but their APUs are also famous among gamers who cannot afford dedicated GPUs. On the other hand, AMD Ryzen mobile processors have totally transformed the landscape of the laptop market and now people prefer AMD powered laptops as they are more “value-for-money” products.
Gaining people’s trust takes a lot of time, however, AMD seems to have done it in a short span of time, so kudos team Red and AMD India.