Recently, Acer has launched the new mini PCs in India for business purposes and even for low to medium end workloads. These are a new range of affordable mini PCs with Intel’s dual and quad core CPUs, with a price starting from as low as Rs. 9,999.
Being very small and compact, these mini PCs can well be mounted at the back of a monitor with a VESA mount. Ideal for educational, office and business purposes who need a basic PC in a small form factor. Apart from the Intel dual and quad core CPUs, these PCs comes with 4GB of RAM which is expandable up to 8GB.
It comes with Windows 10 pre-installed, which is really time-saving. On the connectivity & I/O front, you get Wi-Fi b/g/n/ac support, 6 USB ports including 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports to allow high-speed data transfers.
Acer also says that the Veriton N series features security and manageability features as well. These mini PCs have the capability to support up to two displays for maximum productivity. The Veriton N Series Mini PCs will be available online via Acer India’s official website and in over 1500 Acer channel partner stores across India.
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