Indkal Technologies has unveiled the new lineup of Google TV products from Acer in India. The launch event, held in New Delhi, showcased a diverse range of products in terms of screen sizes, display technologies, and price segments. One standout product is the flagship O series, featuring an OLED display and a powerful 60-watt speaker system with large woofers. The OLED lineup will be available in two sizes: 55 inches and 65 inches.
Amazing range of Google TVs from Acer launched in India. The new range includes affordable QLEDs and OLEDs
Another noteworthy addition is the revolutionary and affordable QLED range under the V series, which offers advanced QLED displays at accessible price points. This is a significant development as QLED technology has traditionally been priced out of reach for many consumers in India. Surprisingly, the QLED range includes a 32-inch entry-level variant, in addition to the regular 43-inch, 50-inch, and 55-inch options.
Indkal also introduced the I and G series value segment products, which bring premium features like MEMC, Dolby Atmos and Vision, UHD Upscaling, and impressive brightness and contrast. These models compete favorably with high-end products from other brands. Notably, the 32-inch and 40-inch variants of the I series offer an industry-leading 16 GB of internal memory, a feature not yet seen in these sizes in other brands.
The improved sound quality was a key focus across the entire product range. The I series boasts a new audio system with 30-watt speakers in the 32-inch and 40-inch models, while the UHD models in sizes 43-inch, 50-inch, 55-inch, 65-inch, and 75-inch come with 36-watt and 40-watt speakers. The flagship H series range received the most significant sound enhancement, now equipped with a powerful 76-watt speaker system delivering improved bass, treble, and an immersive audio experience.
Google TV is now available on Acer‘s existing premium QLED lineup, the W series, featuring Anti-Glare Display, Wallpaper Design, Aural Sound, and Motion Sensors.
The entire new Google TV range from Acer offers dual-band WiFi, 2-way Bluetooth 5.0, HDMI 2.1 ports, USB 3.0 connectivity, and Dolby Atmos support as a valuable addition to all UHD models across the six series. Indkal Technologies announced different availability timelines for the products at retail, with the I series set to be available for sale across channels starting from June 6th.
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