Realme had launched the Master Edition of the Realme Buds Air Pro in India along with the Realme Watch S and Watch S Pro wearable devices. Yesterday Realme launched four new wearables among which the Realme Buds Air Pro Master Edition is the only audio device and the others are different versions of the Realme Watch S: Realme Watch S, Realme Watch S master Edition and the Realme Watch S Pro. These wearables were also complimented with a set of silicon straps and vegan silicon straps for the watches. The first sale of this device will start on 8th January at 12PM.
Now focusing on the Realme Bids Air Pro Master Edition we know that it is almost the same as the previous Realme Buds Air Pro, but this one is specially designed by Jose Levy and has only one steel colour. Apart from this distinguishable feature all the other specification of this device.
Specification of Realme Buds Air Pro Master Edition:
The Realme Buds Air Pro Master Edition comes with two microphones, which enables the ANC or active noise cancelation feature with a maximum noise reduction of 35dB. It is powered by the Realme S1 chip that claims to offer stable connection with low power consumption.
It comes with two 10mm drivers, one on each ear-piece, which has support for ACC high-quality audio. There are also several other noteworthy features, such as advanced Dynamic Bass Boost (DBB), IPX4 certification for water resistance, and touch controls.
The earphones also come with a low latency mode (94ms) for gaming and can offer battery life of 25 hours on a single charger. There’s also Quick Charge support, which offers seven hours of playback on 15 minutes of charging.
Price and Availability:
The Realme Buds Air Pro Master Edition is priced at INR 4,999 and will be available on 8th January at 12PM onwards in India through, Flipkart, and offline stores.