Realme had shared the imminent launch of a new smartphone codenamed “Race” on December 1. The official pages of Realme had revealed that this smartphone will come with the just launched and most powerful Snapdragon 888 chipset from Qualcomm. The tweets shared by the officials had not been validated later on as those shared tweets had not mentioned any more details of the smartphone at that time.
Later on from other sources we came to know that the Realme Race will run on Android 11 with Realme UI 2.0 on top, along with 12GB RAM and 256GB of internal storage. These specifications along with the top of the line Snapdragon 888 and 5G connectivity indicates a flagship device with all the necessary features. From these features it can alo be said huge battery and fast charging will be complementary.
Realme VP Xu Qi Chase has now finally confirmed that “Race” is just a codename and the phone will be a part of a new series. This confirmation was also added with the imminent launch on which Chase reveals that the phone will launch sooner than ever by 2021. Although he has not mentioned any particular date of launch for the device we can speculate that the phone will be announced by January or February of 2021 as most of the Snapdragon 888 SoC powered will also be launched by that time as well.
Realme VP has not shared any image of the phone but some renders from reliable source shows 64MP triple-rear camera and a unique design at the back. The phone seems to have a rear panel design like the Realme 7 Pro Sun Kissed Leather Edition. There is also a branding of the company which is subbed with “Power Design” written next to it. Although we do not know if this is the original or final render of the phone or not but it seems to be more like an special edition of the phone. The design is also unique and it idicates a leather texture.
Although we have an older render of the Realme Race where we saw quad-rear camera of the phone placed in a circular glass layout. This phone might be another version of the phone or might be some other phone, but we are not sure at this moment which one will resemble more like the Realme Race finally. So it is better to think that these designs might change in the final device and these are only for getting an idea of the device.