Among all the leaks, rumors, and other official information surfacing online about the Samsung Galaxy S21 tipster Ice Universe also added that the phone will come with two different types of chipsets. According to him, the Galaxy S21 will come with Exynos 2100 chipset as well as the flagship Snapdragon 888 chipset, and these models will vary from market to market. This means that both the version of the same device will be available and we can expect that India will get to see the Snapdragon version of the flagship series as we have already seen such kins of changes for the Indian market in the past.
We already know that the Galaxy S21 series will feature the flagship chipsets but it was not expected that the recently launched chipsets will be introduced in the upcoming series and even for the same models making two versions of it. The Samsung Galaxy S21 will be the first smartphone to feature both the leading chipsets and might also outperform in the benchmark scores for the retail models as well.
If you don’t know already what are the expected specifications of the upcoming Galaxy S21 smartphone or what are the upcoming models in this series then here is a briefing for you. As per the official renders the series will have three different smartphones where we will see Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+, and one Galaxy S21 Ultra. These phones will have a redefined design and the first two models will have a triple rear camera setup whereas the Ultra version of the series will have a quad-camera setup.
The launch of the series is rumored to be in January 2021. A recent rumor claims that the phones in the UK will not come with charger in the box nor any headphones as done by Apple this year during its iPhone 12 series launch. With all these rumors and leaks it is just a matter of time that the brand officially declares the launch date of the upcoming series.