Sony may be further along on the PlayStation 6 than we had expected, according to the latest rumors. The well-known AMD leaker Kepler L2 posted on the NeoGAF forums that the designs for the system’s System-on-Chip (SoC) have been finalized and the system is in pre-silicon validation ahead of A0 tapeout expected later this year. And while some of the technical details might sound complicated, the timeline indicates a console could arrive as soon as 2027.
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PlayStation 6 SoC in Pre-Silicon Validation, GPU Based on Early Gfx13 Architecture, Launch Could Be 2027
The potential release window aligns with Sony’s typical time from the A0 tape out phase to a new system hitting the shelves, which usually hangs around the two-year mark. Kepler L2 has also given us some insight into the PlayStation 6’s GPU architecture, which will be based on AMD’s gfx13 (also known as RDNA 5, then UDNA). While the leaker didn’t reveal the size of the GPU, the fact that it’s part of the gfx13 family suggests some potential features, which will be even clearer when AMD formally announces the architecture.
As of now, there’s not much else revealed about the PlayStation 6 other than that it’s working with AMD again. It was confirmed last year when a report that AMD won the contract to provide power for Sony’s next-gen console. Sources said the disagreement was over profit margins, with Intel failing to agree on a cost per chip.
With speculation at a peak, this recent tidbit of new info is in line with the idea that Sony is preparing for its next serious piece of hardware. While the exact specifications and features remain a mystery, the PlayStation 6 appears to be progressing steadily toward becoming a reality. Fans eagerly await further updates, especially as AMD reveals more about the UDNA architecture, potentially offering clues about the system’s performance capabilities. With a possible launch on the horizon, the excitement surrounding Sony’s next big console is sure to build in the coming years.
When is the PlayStation 6 expected to launch?
Rumors suggest a possible release in 2027.
What GPU architecture will the PlayStation 6 use?
It’s based on AMD’s early Gfx13 (formerly RDNA 5).