Realme, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, is reportedly planning to unveil a trio of new Realme P3-series devices in India soon. The Realme ‘RMX5070’ has already appeared on the Eurofins and Camera FV 5 certification sites, revealing some important information about the device. The recently tipped RMX5070 model is believed to be the Realme P3 5G standard variant from the upcoming P3 series, and its storage and color variants have now leaked online.
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Realme P3 5G Gets Eurofins Certification; Leaks Reveal Storage Options and Battery Specs
The Realme P3 5G, with model designation RMX5070, was certified by Eurofins under certificate number ‘DE-6-T2500049’, reportedly carrying a 5,860 mAh battery. Testing has already been made at charge speeds of 10W, 20W, and 40W suggesting that quick charging would likely be supported as well. This listing also includes country codes that may be targets of launches in multiple markets throughout the world-popular examples include Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.
As per the Camera FV 5 database listing, the Realme P3 5G will feature a 50MP main rear camera (it will do pixel binning from 12.6MP x 4 to offer 50.4MP high-res image), and high-res pixel binning will enabled. It will also likely come with a 16MP front-facing camera that employs pixel binning (4MP x 4 = 16MP).
As for storage, the Realme P3 5G will be offered in 6GB/128GB, 8GB/128GB, and 8GB/256GB configurations. The device will be available in Nebula Pink, Comet Grey, and Space Silver colors. Besides that, it is also certified by the TKDN authority which means it is possible for it to land in Indonesia.
In addition to the Realme P3 5G, the P3 series could include the Realme P3 Pro (RMX5032) and Realme P3 Ultra (RMX5030). The Pro variant may feature a 12GB/256GB variant, whereas the Ultra variant may receive a glossy finish and the 12GB/256GB storage option. The Realme P3 Pro will launch in the third week of February 2025, while the Realme P3 Ultra may arrive at the very beginning of the same year — at the end of January 2025.
When will the Realme P3 5G launch?
The Realme P3 5G is expected to launch soon, with the Realme P3 Pro coming in February 2025.
What is the battery capacity of the Realme P3 5G?
The Realme P3 5G features a 5,860 mAh battery, supporting fast charging at 10W, 20W, and 40W.