Disney+ Hotstar is set to release its groundbreaking series, The Secret of the Shiledars, a treasure hunt-based adventure that promises to captivate audiences. Based on a backdrop of historical heroism, loyalty, and unwavering commitment to duty, the series centers around the Shiledars, stalwart guardians, and trusted proteges whose dedication fashioned a whole epoch. Making his directorial debut on a web platform with Munjya, Aditya Sarpotdar is the man behind Lakh Yatra along with Nitin Vaidya under Dashami Creations LLP. The series will air exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar, premiering on January 31, 2025.
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The Secret of the Shiledars: Rajeev Khandelwal Leads Disney+ Hotstar’s Historic Series, Arriving in 2025
A New Chapter in Historical Adventure
This is the first and most adapted series worldwide with Shivaji Shiledars and this will be in a detailed, adventurous way. Director Aditya Sarpotdar mentions that the project pushed him out of his comfort zone while also being an extremely rewarding experience. The series nonetheless felt like a world worth exploring for its ancient legacies and new narratives, he told me. Rajeev Khandelwal’s commitment to his character and the whole premise, as per Sarpotdar, was the reason why the show worked.
Rajeev Khandelwal’s Role in Bringing History to Life
Rajeev Khandelwal, who plays a pivotal role in The Secret of the Shiledars, says he had no intention of taking on this type of character, which evolves over time, at first, but was drawn in by the compelling script. He talks about his excitement for the project, and his desire to take viewers on an historical ride that is exciting and enlightening. His portrayal should intrigue viewers as they navigate the complexities of a legacy linked to courage and loyalty.
Sai Tamhankar Joins the Legacy of Shivaji Maharaj
Another member of the star campaign, Sai Tamhankar, says she feels a great sense of pride to be part of a story that celebrates the legacy of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The weight of the story, says Bhushan, transcends the state of Maharashtra, touching a chord with audiences across the country. Every actor wants to be part of a historical epic, so does Tamhankar, and just like everyone else in the cast, she awaits the audience’s reaction to The Secret of the Shiledars. With an ensemble cast and a unique historical premise, The Secret of the Shiledars is set to be a game-changer in the world of historical adventure dramas.
What is The Secret of the Shiledars about?
The series follows the story of the Shiledars, valiant defenders whose loyalty and commitment shaped an era.
When will The Secret of the Shiledars be released?
It will be available on Disney+ Hotstar from January 31, 2025.